Salvadorean Chicken Sandwich

Yields: 8 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 15 Mins Cook Time: 20 Mins Total Time: 35 Mins

There is no doubt that a New Year’s Eve or a Christmas eve party in El Salvador is not complete without Pan con Pollo (Chicken Sandwich). Discover how easy it is to make it and surprise your family and friends by preparing it.

Here you will also find the recipe to make the French bread for this recipe.

Sigue este link para la receta de El Pan Con Pollo en Español.



0/25 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
  • For the sauce
  • For the garnish


0/18 Instructions
    Let's start with the chicken
  • Place the boneless chicken meat in a large container.
  • Add all the ingredients for the chicken and mix well.
  • Put the marinated meat in a pot over medium heat. Cover the pot.
  • Let's prepare the sauce
  • Cut the ingredients into small pieces to later blend.
  • Blend all the ingredients for the sauce.
  • Go back to the chicken cooking:
  • After finishing blending the ingredients for the sauce, the chicken has changed color (does not look raw). Add the sauce to the chicken.
  • Stir and let it boil for about 10 minutes.
  • Let's prepare the garnish
  • Cut the cucumbers, tomatoes, and radishes into slices.
  • Cut the lettuce leaves in half (lengthwise).
  • Cut the hard-boiled eggs into four pieces (lengthwise).
  • Let's get to making the sandwiches now
  • When the chicken has boiled for ten or more minutes, turn off the heat.
  • Cut the bread in half (lengthwise), leaving the bottom uncut.
  • Spread a layer of mayonnaise (optional).
  • Put half a lettuce leaf on each side. The order in which you put the ingredients in the bread doesn't really matter that much.
  • Add radish, cucumber and tomato.
  • Add chicken to taste.
  • Garnish on top with eggs and watercress to taste.
  • You did it! Enjoy!!


  • If you can't get Relajo Salvadoreño at the store, prepare 2 tablespoons like this: (4 squash seeds, 2 cloves, 1 bay leaf, 1 piece of guajillo pepper (aka: mirasol, cascabel, catarino and coastal),
    1 tablespoon sesame seeds

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