Pumpkin in Syrup | Candied Pumpkin

Yields: 1 Serving Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 10 Mins Cook Time: 35 Mins Total Time: 45 Mins

When I was a child, I loved the pumpkin harvest season as that meant my grandmother would prepare them in brown sugar cane syrup. The pumpkin from my country have a hard shell, which, after eating the first candied piece, we used as a spoon to eat more. The pumpkin that we buy here in the United States has a softer skin, so usually the skin can also be eaten. Pumpkin with honey is one of my favorite desserts. It is very easy to prepare and today you will learn how to prepare it too.


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0/5 Ingredients
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0/7 Instructions
  • Cut the pumpkin into medium-sized chunks, about the size of a soccer ball pentagon.
  • Scrape the tied sweet (also known as piloncillo, panela, brown sugar block...). It's easy to cut or grate it off if you get it a little wet.
  • Put the pumpkin and cinnamon in a pot. Add enough water to just cover it (and no more).
  • Put it on high heat and bring it to a boil.
  • When it starts to boil, add the candy and vanilla.
  • Lower the heat (from 1 to 9, set it to 2 or 3). Let it boil and if you like, cover it a little.
  • When the pumpkin has boiled for more than 30 minutes and has changed from orange or yellow to a dark brown. Put turn off the heat.


  • I think sweet pumpkin tastes a lot better when it's cold because it absorbs more the flavor of the panela. So I usually put it in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.


#halloween  #pumpkin  

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