Cheese Pupusas

Yields: 11 Servings Difficulty: Medium Prep Time: 10 Mins Cook Time: 20 Mins Total Time: 30 Mins

In El Salvador we always accompany pupusas with tomato sauce and with cabbage and vegetable tanning.

Follow this link to see more delicious varieties of Salvadoran pupusas.

Remember to watch my home videos of the recipes on my Youtube channel.


Link para receta en Español.



0/9 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
    For the cheese
  • For the corn masa


0/8 Instructions
  • In a separate container, combine the cheese, salt, water, and finely chopped (almost pureed) vegetables and knead well until a smooth cheese consistency. (grab with your and and squeeze repeatedly so that it squishes out from between fingers)
  • In another container mix the corn tortilla flour, the rice flour and the water and knead well until everything is well combined.
  • Heat a comal or griddle a little more than medium heat and when the comal is hot, add a thin layer of oil (or use an oil spray).
  • Take some dough and pat it like you're going to make a tortilla. Scoop some of the cheese mixture into the center of the dough/masa. Now close the tortilla and remove the excess dough that you have left.
  • Once you have the dough with the filling inside, put oil in your hands and put it in the ball that you just made.
  • Now, with your four fingers of your left hand, make a slight pressure and at the same time with your big finger of your right hand make a slight pressure and rotate the circle of the dough with the filling. Keep doing the same rotation until you have a circle. Then all you have to do is pat the circle again as if you are going to make an omelette. Optionally: If you can't pat it, then place the ball between two pieces of plastic, then place a plate with a wide base on top and squish.
  • Put the pupusa on the comal and let it cook for an average of 1 minute (or with the use of a spatula, lift one side of the pupusa and see if the dough is no longer white or raw.) If it already looks good from the bottom, flip it over so the other side cooks.
  • Once the pupusas are cooked you can accompany them with sauce and pickled cabbage vegetables (sauerkraut). I hope you liked this recipe and see you next time !!!! BYE. :)