Hot Fruit Punch

Yields: 20 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 10 Mins Cook Time: 40 Mins Total Time: 50 Mins

No Mexican Christmas is truly a Christmas without a hot and delicious Fruit Punch. This typical and famous punch is prepared by cooking different varieties of fruits with piloncillo or Panela, cinnamon and Jamaica flower. The sweet, citrus scent fills the house and welcomes family and friends to come in and enjoy the festivities.

Link para la receta en Español.



0/13 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
    Main Ingredients
  • Extras because of evaporation


0/9 Instructions
  • Place a pot over medium high heat and add the water.
  • Cut large fruits into chunks.
  • Add the piloncillo (also known as panela or sweet tie) to the water and let it boil for about two minutes.
  • Wrap the hibiscus flower in a cloth. Add it to boiling water.
  • Add the cinnamon, the cane, the tejocotes, and the tamarinds
  • Let them boil for 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes of boiling, add the apple, pear, raisins, and guavas and everything else. Also, add the rest of the extra water.
  • Continue cooking over medium high heat for 17 minutes.
  • Ready! Now to enjoy sucking on sugar cane, eating fruits, and drinking a deliciously and fruity hot fruit punch.


We prepare this fruit punch at Christmas and New Years and other special occasions.

Piloncillo o Panela is a hard block of dark brown sugar. Instead of putting it whole in the water, cut it or scrape it. (It helps to scrape it easier with a knife if you first put the piloncillo in water for 1o seconds)