
Yields: 22 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 2 Hr 45 Mins Cook Time: 15 Mins Total Time: 3 Hr

Pegaditos bread are a soft and fluffy bread, with a light, tiny, sweet touch. I loved eating them when I lived in El Salvador and I love even more being able to share my recipe so that you and your family and friends can also enjoy them.

If you would prefer reading this recipe in Spanish, here is the video en Español.

Remember to watch my home videos of the recipes on my Youtube channel in Spanish.




0/12 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
    Main Ingredients
  • For decoration and glaze


0/14 Instructions
  • In a container, combine the all-purpose flour, salt, sugar and cinnamon and then mix well.
  • After having combined the aforementioned ingredients well, add the yeast.
  • Put the dry ingredients aside and in another bowl combine the liquid ingredients which would be water, milk and unsalted butter.
  • Put the mixture of the liquid ingredients in the microwave oven until they reach a temperature of 43.3 to 46.1 ° C (110 ° F to 115 ° F). This takes 30 to 50 seconds). Warm it 15 seconds at a time, mixing in between so that the heat spreads evenly.
  • Mix the liquid and dry ingredients and mix well. Keep mixing the ingredients without stopping for 10 minutes . This is the time it takes to beat the dough to give it the fluffy texture that the pegaditos have.
  • After 10 minutes, put the dough in a container, cover it with fabric or plastic and let it double for about 1 hour and a half . The growth of the mass varies depending on the climate where you live. Do not put it in a place that is cold or too hot.
  • After the dough has doubled the size, remove it to a flat surface and separate 1.5 oz portions or you can give it the size you prefer. Round the portions so that they are like balls.
  • Grease (with a thin layer of oil) a baking tray or pan. Place the portions on a greased tray and leave them 1 centimeter apart.
  • Place a plastic on top of the already formed bread.
  • Let it rest in a warm place for 1 hour until the balls have doubled in size.
  • Once the balls are doubled in size, heat the oven to 350 ° F (176.7 ° C).
  • While waiting for the oven to heat up, beat 1 egg well with 1 teaspoon of water . Once it is prepared, coat each bun with this mixture , using a brush . Then sprinkle sesame seeds on top.
  • Bring the bread to the oven to bake for 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes they will be ready (or almost ready). You will know that they are ready if they turn golden brown.


  • I add the yeast last because it cannot have direct contact with the salt. However, if the salt is combined with other ingredients and then the yeast is added, the salt does not kill the properties that the yeast has to activate itself.
  • The growth time of the dough varies depending on the climate where you live and the environmental temperature.
  • You can use a deep baking pan so that the pegaditos are high.

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#bake  #bread  #el salvador  #flour  

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