French Fries from El Salvador

Yields: 1 Serving Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 30 Mins Cook Time: 8 Mins Total Time: 38 Mins

Without a doubt one of my favorite street food dishes in El Salvador is French fries with grated soft hard cheese, mayonnaise and ketchup. Now, you will not have to go to a fair or pilgrimage celebration or to the central park to enjoy the potato chips because you can prepare them at home by following this easy recipe.

Sigue este link para receta en Español (recipe in Spanish).



0/5 Ingredients
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0/11 Instructions
  • Peel and wash the potatoes.
  • Cut them into slices and then julienne.
  • Wash them and then put them in salt water for about 20 minutes.
  • While you wait, if you have a block of hard-soft Salvadoran cheese, grate half a cup. Otherwise, you can use grated parmesan.
  • Put enough oil in a pot and heat over medium high heat.
  • Pat the potatoes dry with a clean blanket or towel.
  • Put the dried potatoes in the oil over medium high heat.
  • Take them out when they change color (try one to make sure it's cooked). Put them on a paper towel to absorb some of the oil.
  • Put them in a bowl.
  • Add mayonnaise, grated cheese, and ketchup.
  • Enjoy!!


#french fries  #papitas  

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